#2 How It Started

The story of Big Red Friday actually started over twenty-five years ago with the successes, mistakes, tragedies and joys I experienced during my law enforcement career.

Roughly two years ago I began to reduce those stories to paper.

One year ago I placed the stories into a movie script format.

In February I began to expose the story to others for input and criticism.

When I started FoFig Films I didn’t have a specific story to produce in mind.  I had a concept of what I wanted to do – honor my past profession – but I wasn’t exactly sure how I was going to go about that.

I received a couple offers to sell Big Red Friday as a spec script but nothing was blowing my socks off.  After some careful thought, I convinced myself that I could tell the story on film myself (well, clearly not “by myself” but you get my point).  My first project was right under my nose, I just didn’t know it yet.

Although the Big Red Friday story carries action in parts, it is not a car chase and explosions film.  I wanted to write something smarter than that.  Big Red Friday is a true-to-life dramatic character study about relationships, conflicts and challenges, and how each character handles and adjusts to those as individuals.

I reached out to some local and Hollywood filmmakers I am friends with and began to develop a strategy to turn this project from a wish into a reality.

I contacted local acting talent as well as some “non” actors who had “the look” I was seeking for certain rolls.  I adjusted the roles in the script to fit the actual actor and put them in a position with style and dialogue to deliver their very best possible performance.  The cast has professional actors, retired lawmen and some who have lived lives on the other side of the law.  All came to the project and unified.  My cast is a dream and has been a joy to work with.

Based on the presently limited exposure I have already received some interest in participation from established Hollywood-based acting talent.  That is very exciting.

Scot Litteer of Litteer Films believed in the story and shared my vision of it.  He has award-winning directing, cinematography and editing awards stacked behind him yet he is the epitome of humility and graciousness.

Scot called in favors from other craftsmen in the movie business – genius cameramen like Sean Lonergan and Jim Scott, and incredible soundman in Fred Porter, lighting and rigging specialists Paul Stapleton Smith and Emily Belleranti – and each delivered their trade with consummate expertise.  We agreed to pay-it-forward and have high school aged interns work as Grips exposing them to the mechanics of film making and giving them a start in the business.

Domini Giuntoni came on as special effects expert and further agreed to handle the still photography and promotion.  She is a true artist in those fields and her craft will be on display front and center.

Gwen Jones did what Gwen Jones does – covering every dirty, no-thanks job that no one else wants and keeps me in check when I flame out or my head grows to large.

My friend Lou Pimber, a retired Narc turned actor with dozens of films and shows on his resume to include Breaking Bad and Gang Related, agreed to play a key character role.  His performance in our promotional short is brilliant.  Lou’s advise to our less experienced actors, like myself, has already proven to be invaluable.

Tamara Mack, a seasoned actress, delivers class and style.

My old partner Louis Quinonez plays the part of – wait for it – my old partner “Weegie”.  He was a courageous lawman and in his “afterlife” from agent work shows he is a exceptional performer as well.

“Off the street” actors like Frank Aguirre, Cuete Loc, Jamie Vanessa, Brent Pierson and Dee Felix, along with a host of others were fearless, authentic and provide images and performances of both hardness and beauty.

Everyone who has touched this project has been a blessing to me.

The real “star” of the film is going to be Tucson.  My city.

As has been the story for my entire life, my successes have rarely been about my skills but rather credited to being surrounded by talent that makes me look much better than I really am.  Such has been my case for football, undercover work, writing and now a movie.

Our cast and crew have passion, energy and enthusiasm for the story.  That is the formula for success.  We all hope to deliver something to you that you will enjoy and that we can be proud of.

Here are some of the promotional images Dom has photographed and stylized, some screenshots from Scot and a few “behind the scenes” pictures.  There is much more to come.

Lou Pimber


Young Jay (circa 1995)

Screen shot 2014-08-25 at 9.56.53 AM

Tamara Mack


Louis Quinonez



Frank Aguirre


Cuete Loc


Jaime Vanessa

Screen shot 2014-08-25 at 9.49.09 AM


Brent Pierson


Dee Felix (with her boys)


Behind The Scenes

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